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Little Caprice Dreams

Hello 🙂 So after long trip, Im finally back at home… Little jatlaged, but anyway ready to make some changes!!!

Maybe someone of you think I was just making holidays and did nothing, but is not a true… Even when I travel, I work on new updates, everyday checking the website, if everything is fine and preparing new stuff for you… I got many many messages from one member, who critic just everything I did till now… I know the site is not perfect, but Im working nonstop on it to make it better…. Also if someone think, that solo girl photoset is not an update, you should not forget, that in subscription stays 4 updates in month, and we put much more than just 4… I’m sorry that I delete the comments, I can take a critic, but this was already spamming… Im keeping online also negative comments, and Im still happy for each feedback you are giving to us!!! 🙂

And now some news what comes in he next days:

Tomorrow comes online the full WebcamHardcore show i did, so all of you who missed it can see it!

Report interwiew Lina Diamond plus video to her photoset Blue Eyes

Solo video of me from Ibiza – En Eivissa

Also the streaming options coming, so also people with connection problems can watch all videos.

New button MY LIFE… Here I will show you some more details from my private life! 🙂

And don’t forget in some hours the next LIVECHAT with me!!! So prepare some questions, Im very excited!!!! :))))

Many kisses for you and talk to you soon!!! Yours Caprice

P.S: this photos are from my last destination in US- San Francisco… I felt in love with this city, it was little cold, but amazing experience to see! The second photo is funny, because we rented a bikes and drive all around the city… Well, who ever been there probably knows, how crazy the streets are 😀 I tried to make the hill, but the Lombard street was impossible:D Hope you like it 🙂



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