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Little Caprice Dreams

Female foreign Performer of the year 2020

Hey guys πŸ™‚ So, we are back from our round trip vacation. It was incredible three weeks, we begin in New York, continue in the amazing Mexico, and finish it in Las Vegas at the AVN! And it was the best finish of the holidays, because my dream came true. Guys, I won my first AVN Award! I still can’t believe it happened, but I’m holding it it my hands, so it was not a dream lol πŸ™‚

The last year was a real blast for us. This website is keep growing, and we are creating the best content we can, and I’m sure it will even be better and better, because already now we have so much great updates in progress for you! πŸ™‚

So, now lets go back to the AVN. When I have been sitting there at the show and heard my name, first, I have been thinking it was kind of a mistake πŸ˜€ But than, when I held the heavy trophy in my hands I realize I’m not dreaming! Thank you AVN for choosing me to be the BEST FOREIGN FEMALE PERFORMER OD THE YEAR! It is the highest title I can get as a foreign actress, and I’m so honoured. Really. Thank you!!! Also, thank you all my fans and members here and at my social networks, without you I will not be here! Your love and support is pushing me forward everyday! I love you all πŸ™‚ But the biggest thank you goes to Marcello. He is the best partner in crime, he is supporting me every day, even I’m sometimes looking focus and motivation, he is the one who brings me always back. Thank you honey, you are making me to be better person. I love you! Β πŸ™‚ OMG I can’t be more happy at this moment πŸ™‚ Yaay!

So, now lets talk about current updates happening at this website. Don’t forget about the special WECUMTOYOU, with three couples! there are three parts, and all of them are incredible! So make sure you saw all of them. Also, this week is coming really nice lesbian scene of me and the beautiful Stacy Cruz! I love this scene so much, so I can’t wait for you to tell me your opinion! πŸ™‚

So, lets get back to work, I have many photosets to select for you πŸ™‚ Lets talk soon again!

Have a beautiful week, much love yours Caprice

Β Β Β Β 


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