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Little Caprice Dreams

Hello my dears,

in this moment In in Vegas, little jetleg, so I woke up at 5:30 already, but totally happy! How are you doing? I was already in the gym, breakfast and now little relax before the pool is open 😀 We are in HardRock hotel, and here are the best pool parties, so lets have fun!

I have some news to tell you: the fist of them is, that I bough a new selfie stick for my go-pro camera, as some of you wish to see more of my private life… So I will do some cool self-clips during my trip in USA! ☺️☺️ Hope you will like it!

The next think is, that our webmasters currently working on some little changes in the website- for example rating fof the models, conecting between the interwiews and scenes, so will be more easy for you to watch it all 🙂 and also on the webcam… For the next one should be much better for all of you, who has not that strong internet connection. 🙂

so 🙂 and last think- new update is coming in three days- FRIDAY, 9th. September at 9:00PM CET!!! Its gonna be homemade BG video- just me and Marcello 😉

Thats it for now… If you have any question, dont hesitate to ask me here under this blog! Im on the ways, but I will be available for you anyway ❤️

Many kisses and Love 😘😘😘 

Yours Caprice 🙂


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