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Little Caprice Dreams

Little Caprice Porn,

Oh my god… guys, I cant believe it!!! Soon it will be a year, since we launched our website! Its unbelievable how the time run… Its been a lot of work, learning and finding our way to go, but I must say, Im really proud of what we have been done. We are still learning, and we still want to get much better than we are, but the first year was very important for us, getting knowΒ Little Caprice Porn our members, listening the feedbacks, good or bad ones, all this move us forward to many many more years with you!!! And of course, we all should celebrate our birthday in style!!! Are you asking how can we all be together at this important day? I tell you πŸ™‚

30.08.2017, at 10:00 PM CET, we all gonna have a glass of champagne (or whiskey, vodka, beer, whatever) at our WEBCAM, and than, we have to celebrate, how else, than with a good sex!!! I will be here with Marcello, and??? this is gonna be a surprise for you πŸ™‚ πŸ˜› So πŸ™‚ HAPPY B-DAY LITTLE CAPRICE DREAMS!!!!!! Who is gonna be there with us?

Im so looking forward to this event :))))

See you soon live, with love Yours Caprice and Marcello

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