Hey guys 🙂 So it seems, as the choice panties was more than clear 🙂 almost all of you choose them, so lets do it!
Here is a link… AUCTION
Lets play!!! The starting BID is 50 euro, and minimum BID is 10 euro 🙂 So lets have fun!!!
Also, I would like to know little bit more about my fans and members, so I started this forum. In this time there are two first topics… Its because I know some of you are following me for a really long time, so its interesting for me to know, how did you find me? And what will be really helpful, is to know answer to the second topic! Take a look and tell me all guys 🙂 Looking forward for your answers a lot!
Here is the link in forum: NEW FORUM
So 🙂 I think you have something to do now 🙂 Im waiting for your answers, guys!
And also, don’t forget, we have still some DVD’s so if you are interested to get one for yourself,check this out..
Have a nice day and talk to you soon!!! With love, Yours Caprice
Please, read my words.
see more fan goodies in our new shop : http://shop.littlecaprice-dreams.com