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Always enjoy responsibly.

Little Caprice Dreams

Where to start? Well, I still can’t believe, how many thinks is happening to me in the last two years… First, we took the big risk, and launched our website, LCD, which is very successful, than I got the chance to work for the amazing Greg Lansky, and his Vixen and Tushy sites… And before two months, we got the informations, that we are nominated for the first european Xbiz awards! The first nomination was the best erotic website of the year 2018, which is a great success after 18 months online, and the second nomination was The best glamcore scene, Gaping for my husbands boss… When I went to the event, I really didn’t believe, I have any chance to won a price, I was already happy for the nominations… But it happened! We won the award for The best glamcore scene 2018, and I’m so happy for it! and I can promise you guys… there is much more to come the upcoming year… uaaaaa Im soooo happy for us! Thanks a lot to XBIZ, to make this happened, and of course to Greg, and to his amazing team, with who we create this scene! Thanks to all our fans, for all your love and support, and of course, Marcello… We are the best team, ever, and I love you so much… 🙂


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